Royal Profile: Princess Luisa Irene of Bourbon-Parma, The Marchioness of Castell’Arquato

Princess Luisa Irene Constance Anna Maria of Bourbon-Parma, The Marchioness of Castell’Arquato was born 9 May 2012 as the first daughter of Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, Duke of Parma & Countess Annemarie van Gualthérie Weezel{Source}.

She has an older paternal half-brother, and two younger siblings{Source}:

She was baptized in September 2012, with the following as her godparents {Source}:
  • Princess Irene of the Netherlands (paternal grandmother)
  • Ank Gualthèrie van Weezel - De Visser (maternal grandmother)
  • Prince Jaime, Count of Bardi (paternal uncle)
  • Constance Mensink Gualthèrie van Weezel (maternal aunt)
  • Princess Maria Francisca of Bourbon-Parma (great-aunt)
  • Countess Franca Zanardi Landi di Veano

She was named:

  • Luisa: unsure
  • Irene: for her paternal grandmother and godmother
  • Constance: for her maternal aunt and godmother
  • Anna: unsure.
  • Maria: for her godmother and paternal great aunt

She shares a birthday with her paternal cousin Princess Gloria Irene of Bourbon-Parma


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