Royal Profile: Prince Louis of Cambridge

Prince Louis Arthur Charles of Cambridge was born 23 April 2018 as the second son and youngest child of Prince William, The Duke of Cambridge & Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge {Source}. Prince Louis has two older siblings {Source}:

  • Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge (2013)
  • Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge (2015)
Prince Louis was baptized on 9 July 2018 with the following godparents {Source}:

  1. Nicholas van Cutsem (friend of his father's)
  2. Guy Pelly (friend of his father's)
  3. Harry Buchanan Aubrey-Fletcher (friend of his father's)
  4. Lady Laura Clare Marsham Meade (friend of his parents)
  5. Mrs. Hannah Gillingham Carter (friend of his mother's)
  6. Lucy Middleton (maternal 1st cousin 1x removed-his mother's 1st cousin. Her brother is Princess Charlotte's godfather)
Like his siblings before him, he caused a royal frenzy with his birth. His first formal portraits were released for his big sister's 3rd birthday.  He made an appearance at his baptism in July 2018. In September, he was photographed officially again-this time to mark the upcoming 70th birthday of his grandfather. On the eve of his 1st birthday, the Royal Court released new portraits of him to mark his first birthday.


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