World Travelers: The King & Queen of The Netherlands visit the Dutch Islands, and South America

Day 1 (November 12)

King Williem-Alexander and Queen Maxima began their fall tour with a trip to the Island of St. Maarten {Photos}

On their first official day on the island of St. Maarten, the Royal Pair did several things. They began their day with the official welcoming ceremony with the local officials and commoners, which included an inspection of the guard{Photo}. Afterwards, the King and Queen met with members of the Parliment and Council of Ministers {Source}.

In the afternoon, King Williem-Alexander and Queen Maxima paid a visit to Milton Peters College and the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex to meet with "...the winners of the King's Games held in April..." {Source}. After visiting the sports center, they completed their visit to the area with a walkabout in the historic city. During their walkabout, they visited the "....Oranje Primary School, the Methodist Church and the Courthouse..."{Source}.

In the evening, their busy day continued with a Youth Showcase in Festival Village with performances from  several area dance schools{Source}

Day 2 (November 13)

Day 3 (Nov 14)

The royal pair arrived at J.E. Yrausquin Airport on the island of Saba, and attended a reception{Source}. During the reception, the Dutch King and Queen attended a short theatre play by children to celebrate the airport's 50th anniversary{Source}. Upon leaving the airport, the royal pair and their delegation visited the Spring Bay Heritage trail {Source}, the Organoponics Farm {Source} and the Juliana Sports Fields to attend a special presentation on the history of Saba and a performance{Source}. After their visit to Juliana Fields, they moved on to a luncheon with members of executive council and the island council {Source}. In the afternoon, King Williem-Alexander and Queen Maxima visited The Bottom and attended a flag parade of the 40 nationalities who live on Saba{Source}. They also attended a reception with social partners from nine sectors and visited a social housing project {Source}.
Day 4 (Nov 15)

On the third day of their tour, the Dutch King & Queen took the short plane ride to the island of St. Eustatius for a one-day tour. Upon their arrival at F.D. Roosevelt Airport, they were greeted by local officials and attended a brief reception {Source}. Upon leaving FDR Airport, they visited the 'science fair' put on by five schools and watched students give presentations {Source}. Then they were off to visit more children, this time at "...Buzzy Bees, a daycare for children..."{Source}. After spending the morning with local children, they attended a "grown up" luncheon with members of the executive council and island council {Source}. After the luncheon, they visited Hazels Plantation, the Historical Foundation Museum, and a Cultural Festival in Wilheminiapark {Source}{Photos}.  

Day 5 (Nov 16)

On Saturday, King Williem-Alexander and Queen Maxima arrived at Flamingo International Airport on the Dutch Island of Bonaire, where they were greeted by local officals attended a reception {Source}. They also paid a visit to Wilhelminaplein, where they wittnessed demonstrations of sports, the start of the 'bebe awa' campaign (a campaign to encourage young people to drink water) and presentations and other activities by Bonaire  {Source}. Before lunch, they visited Stichting Verslavingszorg en Psychiatrie (SVPCN) (English: Foundation for Addiction Psychiatry and the Caribbean Netherlands) {Source}. For lunch, they met with the Island's governor and rijksvertegenwoordiger (state representative) {Source}. 

The afternoon was spent visiting an elderly day care called Cocari and an elderpersons' organization in Rincon {Source}. After visiting with the elder set of islanders, they visited the Jong Bonaire Youth Centre for the opening of the photo exhibit "Dare to Share" by young photographers form Bonaire, Statia and Saba{Source}.  

The evening was spent attending a reception hosted by the island governer, with several members of the executive council and the island council {Source}.  

Day 6 (Nov 17)

Day of Rest

 Day 7 (Nov 18)

King Williem-Alexander & Queen Maxima arrived on the island of Curaçao, where they were greeted by the locals during the drive from the airport to the Govenor's square, where they were greeted by the governor and prime minister {Source}. Upon arriving at the Governor's palace, the Royal Couple appeared on the balcony {Source}. After meeting with the governor, they traveled to the building of the Council of Ministers for meeting with the Prime Minister and other members of the Minister Council  {Source}. King Williem-Alexander also inspected the honor guard {Photos}, and they visited Marnix College and Marnix FO-School {Source}. They also did a walkabout to view the restoration of monuments at
Otribanda, and visited the Techno Future School, University of Curacao {Source}. They also visited  Carmabi (Caribbean Research & Management of Biodiversity Foundation) and opened the organization's new facility  {Source}. In the evening, they attended a party at Brionplein {Source}.

Day 8 (Nov 19)

On their second day in Curaçao, they proceeded to the western part of the island to visit the fishing pier at West Point, the museum house in Tula Cut to West Point {Source}. Afterward, they met with residents of Banda Abou Soto and participated in various activities with them {Source}. Then they proceeded back to the eastern part of the island tp visit Banda Ariba {Source} and visited with the residents at Banda Ariba in the district of Montagne{Source}. After visiting with the locals, they visited Fort Church in Fort Amsterdam, where they viewed and exhibitation of Curaçao goldsmiths before attended a reception at the acting governor's residence {Source}.

Day 9 (Nov 20)

Today, the royal couple arrived in Aruba for a two-day visit. Like on the other islands, this was no different: it started with a welcoming ceremony with local residents and officials and an inspection of the honor guard {Source}. They also attended a youth discussion about the future of Aruba San Nicolas {Source}

Afterward, King Williem-Alexander and Queen Maxima met with the governor to discuss Aruba's future {Video}.

The evening was spent attending a celebratory gala for the Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins {Source}.

Day 10 (Nov 22)

On the second day of their tour of Aruba, the royal couple kept busy with numerous children's activities. In the morning, the royal couple attended a sporting event for children of all the Arubian elementary schools at the Guilleromo Trinidad Stadium {Source}. Afterward, they attended an "luminary lunch" and the launch of the project "Youth Opportunities in the Caribbean" sponsored by the Oranje Fund  {Source}. 

Before departing the island, they attended a governor's reception  {Source}.

Day 11 (Nov 22)

They arrived at Bogota, Columbia for a one-day visit on Friday. Like all of their other recent visits, this again, began with a brief welcoming ceremony with the local officials {Photos}. Afterward, there was a gala luncheon in their honor hosted by the President of Columbia {Photos}.

Day 12 (Nov 23)

On Saturday, November 23, 2013, Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands arrived in Caracas, Venezuela for a one-day introductory visit{Source}.

Upon their arrival at Palacio de Miraflores Their Majesties were warmly welcomed by the President of Venezuela, Mr. Nicolás Maduro Moros, and First Lady Cilia Flores{Photos}. After the inspection of the guard President Maduro Moros ushered the reigning couple inside the Palacio where they held a meeting and gifts were exchanged{Video}.


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