Royal Profile: Eloise Olivia Katherine Taylor

Eloise Olivia Katharine Taylor was born 2 March 2003 as the third child and elder daughter of The Lady Helen Taylor and Timothy Taylor {Source}. She has two older brothers and a younger sister{Source}:
  • Columbus George Donald Taylor (1994)
  • Cassius Edward Taylor (1996)
  • Estella Olga Elizabeth Taylor (2004)
She is a maternal granddaughter of The Duke and Duchess of Kent {Source}.

She is likely named:

Eloise: a name her parents liked, meaning "famous war"...perhaps because she was conceived  just after her father's cancer battle.
Olivia: not sure...likely a name they liked
Katherine: for her grandmother, Katharine, The Duchess of Kent

Before the birth of Baby Cambridge #2 this spring, Eloise is 38th in line for the British Throne, so it is likely she leads a fairly normal life.

She has occasionally attended some royal events, such as The Trooping of Colour (20112014) and the Queen's annual pre-Christmas luncheon (2014).


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