Royal Profile: Marina Ogilvy

Marina Victoria Alexandra Ogilvy was born 31 July 1966 as the second child of Rt Hon. Sir Angus Ogilvy and Princess Alexandra of Kent {Source}. She has an older brother, a sister-in-law, a niece and a nephew{Source}:

  1. James Robert Bruce Ogilvy (1964)
    1. Julia Caroline Rawlinson (m. 1988)
      1. Flora Alexandra Ogilvy (1994)
      2. Alexander Charles Ogilvy (1996)

Her godparents were{Source}{Source}:

  1. Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
  2. Prince Charles of Wales

As a youngster, she was rather rebellious, and tabloids often labeled her the "black sheep". She appeared on the cover of the fetish magazine, Skin Two, wearing a rubber jumpsuit and a crown, surrounded by corgis{Source}. Upon this publication, her relationship with her parents and other royal relations became...strained to say the least {Source}. It is said that during her marriage, she had a falling out with her godfather, The Prince of Wales {Source}. In 1989 rebel Marina tore her family apart with scandalous behavior leading to her exile from royal gatherings{Source}. She is said to have grown closer to her mother since her father's death in 2004{Source}.

She dated painter and decoration Phil Finton before moving on to Paul Mowatt {Source}.She married Paul Mowatt on 2 February 1990{Source}.They have two children together{Source}:

Marina and Paul were divorced in October 1997{Source}.

Presently, Marina is 54th in line for the throne after the immediate family of the current reigning monarch, the Gloucester family, her uncle and his family, her mother, her brother, a niece and nephew{Source}. She occasionally attends family and official events, such as weddings and The Trooping of Colour.

She was once on welfare-while living in a grace and favor home by the Queen {Source}.
She once had a career as a composer writing advertising jingles and film soundtracks. {Source}.
Marina enrolled at the Royal Holloway College in Egham, Surrey, to begin a course in orchestration. {Source}.

She was named:

  • Marina: maternal grandmother, Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark
  • Victoria: Queen Victoria, her 3x great grandmother
  • Alexandra: Her mother

She is related to the following monarchs and consorts:

She is related to the following former monarchs and consorts:

  • Queen Sofia of Spain: maternal 2nd cousins 1x removed
  • King Juan Carlos of Spain: maternal 3rd cousins 1x removed
  • King Constantine II of Greece: maternal 2nd cousins 1x removed
  • Queen Anne-Marie of Greece: maternal 3rd cousins 1x removedIn 2014, she was seen in the public eye raising funds for the British Red Cross {Source}.

Mariana's maternal grandfather died 24 years prior to her birth, her maternal grandmother died when she was two years of age. She shares a birthday with Archduchess Marie Christine of Austria, Countess of Limburg-Stirum.


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