A Quick Note From the Editor-in-Chief

To My Readers:

After much life and time commitments popping up lately, I have had to take a significant step back from my royal watching. It doesn't help that I'm starting to find it more of a chore rather than something fun like it used to be for me. 

With that in mind, as of January 2020, I will no longer be posting regular weekly updates or birthday profiles. The blog will remain, but I will likely only post every once in a while, likely when something major happens. 

As always-

  1. If you have an idea for an article, email me.
  2. If you have a suggestion for the blog email me.
  3. If you want to write your own article email me.
  4. If you notice a mistake on the blog somewhere, email me where it is on the blog.

(seeing the pattern here?)

Happy New Year and I hope you all had a great holiday season.



Editor-in-Chief, The Royal Fanzine


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