Royal Fanzine's FAQ

Do you talk about other bloggers?

No, I have more respect for my fellow bloggers than to talk about them behind their backs. I EXPECT the same. You have a problem with me, take it up with ONLY me. It's called BEING AN ADULT. Do you like it when people talk about you behind your back? No? then don't do it to someone else.

Are you interested in linking with my site or posting my content on your blog?

No. Unless you are somehow a royal blog or site, don't waste time contacting me.
Now, if you are a royal blog and are interested in linking with that, feel free to get in touch.

Can I email you about an article idea or to potentially write my own?

ABSOLUTELY YES. Please email me ..

I noticed an error or some missing information somewhere. How do I get a hold of you to correct said information?

Please email me . Also please provide the link to the  article and extra points if you can source your information.

I would like to contact x royal. How do I do that? 

No idea. Ask

Why do you believe that Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana aren't married or have kids?

Because I know not to fall for the Grimaldi crap. The Grimaldi's control the media and what is or isn't said about them. It's painfully obvious that they broke up in 2010 (any one ever see the photos of them attending Albert and Charlene's wedding?).  If you really look at the situation: Albert and Charlene act virtually the same way those two do, and everyone questions it...yet when A&T do something...nothing. Also...isn't it weird that right after Sacha was born, Charlotte became pregnant....and when Sacha was born, there was no announcement from Monaco's National Council, but when Raphael was born there was an announcement? Or the fact that when Caroline had Alexandra abroad, the Monegasque were outraged and gave her backlash, and when her first grandchild was born abroad, nothing? Not even Caro questioned it?

Not to mention that with Charlotte's illegitimate child, there was an official announcement from Palais Princier/Caroline's office...and with Andrea's, there were just tabloids.

Note: I will no longer be responding to requests for comments explaining this question regarding Andrea and his so-called family. If you're not smart enough to read the above....why are you reading this blog to begin with? If you cannot respect my opinion...don't expect me to respect yours.

I'm from X company, and I saw Y on your blog, and I thought you'd be interested or I was doing some research about Y in X and came across your article:  (link to something from YOUR SITE) that talks about it. I found it very interesting. We have published this article about X in Y: (website) and we’re wondering if you can reference our article on the part where you talk about X  in Y....when there is no such article. 

Don't be stupid. I consider messages like this spam and automatically delete them, so don't waste your time.

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