Prince Michael Visits Jamaica

Day 1 (April 15)

The younger brother of the Duke of Kent arrived in Jamacia on Monday {Source}


Day 2 (April 16)

Prince Michael visited the Geoformatics department on the UWI Mona campus {Source}{Photos}. He attended a special luncheon hosted by the Governor-General {Source}. He also visited the Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre{Source}{Source}{Photos}. He attended a luncheon at the King's House, hosted by the Governor-General {Photos}

In the evening, he attended a reception in his honor {Photos}{Photos}

Day 3 (April 17)

He visited the Jamacia House {Photos}. He met with Jamacia's Opostition Leader {Photos}. He took a tour of the  attended a  National Works Agency’s Traffic Management Centre and participated in a Round Table discussion with representatives of the Ministry of Transport, Works and Housing and the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) {Source}

In the Evening, the Queen's cousin attended the 20th anniversary banquet of the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) where he presented a commemorative plaque to the Jamacian Prime Minister {Photos}{Source}{Video}

Day 4 (April 18)

No idea. There's no news coverage of his time.

Day 5 (April 19)

No idea. There's no news coverage of his time.


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