Royal Profile: Princess Marie of Denmark

Marie Agathe Odile Cavallier (Princess Marie of Denmark) was born on 6 February 1976 as the daughter of Alain Cavallier and Françoise Grassiot {Source}. Her parents divorced when she was young, and both remarried, and gave her four half brothers-Gregory  and Benjamin Grandet are from her mother's seocnd marriage, and Charles and Edouard Cavallier are from her father's second marriage{Source}. 

She and her brothers grew up in France{Source}. She spent her educational years in France, Switzerland, and the United States{Source}. Her early educational years were spent in Paris before attending Beau-Soleil International Boarding School in Switzerland in the late 1980s into the early 1990s. She passed the uppersecondary examinations in June 1993{Source}. Upon graduation from her primary education, she moved to the United States to attend university{Source}. She first studied international business and economics at Babson College in Boston, MA in the mid-1990s{Source}.  She studied abroad in Switzerland, and then graduated from Marymount Manhattan College in 1999 with a BA{Source}.  During her years of study, the Princess worked at Estee Lauder in Paris as an assistant to the public relations manager in the summer of 1994 and as an assistant to the managing director of ING Numismatic Group SA in Genève, Switzerland in the summer of 1997{Source}.. In addition to pursuing university studies, the Princess taught French{Source}. 

After having completed university studies, the Princess worked at the advertising agency DoubleClick Inc. in New York as an international marketing co-ordinator{Source}.  In 2002, the Princess moved back to Paris and worked in the press department of the French advertising agency Media Marketing{Source}. 
In 2004, the Princess became an assistant to the managing director of the Reuters financial news agency’s Radianz in Switerland{Source}.  From January 2005 until her marriage to Prince Joachim, the Princess worked as an executive secretary in ING Numismatic Group SA{Source}. 

Princess Marie speaks several languages. Her native tounge is French{Source}. She also speaks English, Danish, Italian, and Spanish {Source}. 

Prior to marrying Prince Joachim in 2008, she converted from Roman Catholicism to Evangelical Luternal and became a Danish citizen{Source}. She and Prince Joachim were married on 24 May 2008{Source}. At that time, she became a stepmother to Prince Joachim's two sons from his previous marriage and a princess{Source}. Almost a year to the day after her marriage, she became a biological mother for the first time to Prince Henrik Carl Joachim Alain of Denmark. Two and a half years later, she gave birth to her second biological child, Princess  Athena Marguerite Françoise Marie of Denmark{Source}. 


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