Royal Profile: 12 Facts about Princess Maria-Anunciata of Liechtenstein

  1. Princess Maria-Anunciata Astrid Josephine Veronica of Liechtenstein was born 12 May 1985 {Source}.
  2. She is the oldest daughter of Princess Margaretha of Luxembourg & Prince Nikous of Liechtenstein {Source}.
  3. She has one older brother and a younger brother and sister:
    1. Prince Leopold (1984-1984)
    2. Princess Marie-Astrid (1987)
    3. Prince Joesf-Emmanuel(1989)
  4. She is the maternal granddaughter of Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte of Luxembourg {Source}.
  5. She is the paternal granddaughter of Prince Franz Joseph II of Liechtenstein & Countess Georgine von Wilczek {Source}.
  6. She is the maternal niece of: 
    1. Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxembourg, Archduchess of Austria (1954)
    2. Archduke Carl Christian of Austria (1954)
    3. Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg (1955)
    4. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg (1956)
    5. Prince Jean of Luxembourg (1957)
    6. Diane Marie Amélie Hermenegilde De Guerre, Countess of Nassau (1962)
    7. Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg (1963)
    8. Princess Sibillia of Luxembourg (1968)
  7. She is the paternal niece of:
    1. Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein (1945)
    2. Princess Marie of Liechtenstein (1940)
    3. Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein (1945)
    4. Princess Nora of Liechtenstein (1950)
    5. Prince Franz of Liechtenstein (1962-1991)
  8. She is a cousin of:
    1. Prince Alois Philipp Maria of Liechtenstein (1968)
    2. Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein(1969)
    3. Prince Constantin of Liechtenstein (1972)
    4. Prince Alexander Wilhelm Hans Adam of Liechtenstein (1972)
    5. Princess Tatjana Nora Maria of Liechtenstein(1973)
    6. Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein (1974)
    7. Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg (1981)
    8. Archduchess Marie-Christine of Austria, Countess of Limburg-Stirum (1983)
    9. Prince Félix Léopold Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg (1984)
    10. Archduke Imre of Austria (1985)
    11. Prince Louis Xavier Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg (1986)
    12. Princess Marie-Gabrielle de Nassau (1986)
    13. Prince Constantin de Nassau (1988)
    14. Archduke Christoph of Austria (1988)
    15. Prince Wenceslas de Nassau (1990)
    16. Archduke Alexander of Austria (1990)
    17. Princess Alexandra  of Luxembourg (1991)
    18. Prince Sébastien Henri Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg (1992)
    19. Doña María Teresa Sartorius y de Liechtenstein (1992)
    20. Prince Carl-Johan  of Nassau (1992)
    21. Archduchess Gabriella of Austria (1994)
    22. Prince Paul Louis Jean Marie Guillaume de Nassau (1998)
    23. Prince Léopold Guillaume Marie Joseph de Nassau ( 2000)
    24. Princess Charlotte Wilhelmine Maria da Gloria de Nassau (2000).
    25. Prince Jean of Nassau (2004)
  9. Her first cousins 1x removed consist of:
    1. Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein, Count Rietberg (1995)
    2. Princess Marie-Caroline of Liechtenstein, Countess Rietberg (1996)
    3. Prince Georg of Liechtenstein, Count Rietberg (1999)
    4. Mr. Lukas Maria von Lattorff (2000)
    5. Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein, Count Rietberg (2000)
    6. Prince Alfons of Liechtenstein (2001)
    7. Miss Elisabeth von Lattorff (2002)
    8. Prince Moritz of Liechtenstein(2003)
    9. Miss Marie Teresa von Lattorff (2004)
    10. Princess Theodora of Liechtenstein (2004)
    11. Princess Georgina of Liechtenstein (2005)
    12. Miss Camilla Maria Katharina von Lattorff (2005)
    13. Prince Gabriel de Nassau (2006)
    14. Prince Noah de Nassau (2007)
    15. Miss Anna Pia Theresia Maria von Lattorff (2007)
    16. Prince Benedikt of Liechtenstein (2008)
    17. Miss Sophie Katharina Maria von Lattorff (2009)
    18. Master Maximilian Maria von Lattorff (2011)
    19. Count Léopold  de Limburg-Stirum (2011)
    20. Count Constantin de Limburg-Stirum (2013)
    21. Archduchess Maria-Stella of Austria (2013)
    22. Princess Amalia Gabriela Maria Teresa of Nassau (2014)
    23. Archduchess Katarina Marie-Christine Fabiola of Austria (2014)
  10. She shares a birthday with her uncle, Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein.
  11. Until 2010, her father served as an Ambassador from Liechtenstein for Belgium. This worked out well for her mother's sake-her uncle is the present King of Belgium. Therefore, it's almost safe to say that she grew up around the children of her mother's cousin Princess Astrid, Prince Amedeo, Princess Maria Laura, Prince Joachim & Princess Maria Luisa.
  12. She likely speaks German, French, Dutch and English.


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