Royal Profile:20 Facts about Prince Joesph Wenzel of Liechtenstein

  1. Prince Joesph Wenzel Maximilian Maria of Liechtenstein was born 24 May 1995{Source}.
  2. He is the eldest child of Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein & Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein {Source}.
  3. He was born in London, at Portland Hospital.
  4. The young prince has two younger brothers and a younger sister{Source}:
    1. Princess Marie Caroline (1996)
    2. Prince Georg (1999)
    3. Prince Nikolaus (2000)
  5. His name comes from ancestors mostly{Source}:
    1. Joseph Wenzel: For his ancestor, Josef Wenzel, Reigning Prince of Liechtenstein from 1712-1718 and 1748-1772
    2. Maximillian: for his maternal grandfather, Prince Max, Duke in Bravia & paternal uncle (and godfather), Prince Maximillian
    3. Maria: in accordance with Roman Catholic royalty traditions, in honor of the Virgin Mary.
  6. He is a godchild of Prince Maximilian.
  7. As of 2013, he was attending Malvern College in England, where he had just been joined by his sister Princess Marie-Caroline {Source}{Source}. 
  8. It is likely that Joesph Wenzel received his A-Levels in 2014.
  9. He is a paternal grandchild of Prince Hans-Adam II & Princess Marie.
  10. He is a maternal grandchild of  Prince Max, Duke in Bavaria, and Princess Elisabeth, Duchess in Bavaria.
  11. He is a paternal nephew of:
    1. Prince Maximillian (1969)
      1. Princess Angela (Married 2000)
    2. Prince Constantin (1972)
      1. Princess Maria (married 1999)
    3. Princess Tatjana of Liechtenstein (1973)
      1. Mr. Philipp Baron von Lattorff  (married in 1999)
  12. He is the maternal nephew of:
    1. Duchess Marie-Caroline Hedwig Eleonore in Bavaria (1969)
      1. Duke Philipp of Württemberg (1991)
    2. Duchess Helena Eugenie Maria Donatha Mechthild in Bavaria (1972)
    3. Duchess Elisabeth Marie Christine Franziska in Bavaria (1973)
      1. Mr. Daniel Terberger (m 2004)
    4. Duchess Maria-Anna Henriette Gabrielle Julie in Bavaria(1975)
      1. Mr. Klaus Runow (m.)
  13. His paternal cousins are:
    1. Master Lukas Maria von Lattorff (2000)
    2. Prince Alfons (2001)
    3. Miss Elisabeth Maria Angela Tatjana von Lattorff (2002)
    4. Prince Moritz (2003)
    5. Miss Marie Teresa von Lattorff (2004)
    6. Miss Camilla Maria Katharina von Lattorff (2005)
    7. Princess Georgina (2005)
    8. Miss Anna Pia Theresia Maria von Lattorff (2007)
    9. Prince Benedikte (2008)
    10. Miss Sophie Katharina Maria von Lattorff (2009)
    11. Master Maximilian Maria von Lattorff (2011)
  14. His maternal cousins are:
    1. Duchess Sophie Anastasia Assunta Marie Pauline of Württemberg (1994)
    2. Duchess Pauline Philippa Adelheid Helena Marie of Württemberg (1997 )
    3. Duke Carl-Theodor Philipp Maria Max Emanuel of Württemberg (1999)
    4. Master Maximilian Ludwig Terberger (2005)
    5. Duchess Anna Maximiliana Elizabeth Mariella Marie of Württemberg (2007)
    6. Miss Ottora Elisabeth Victoria Lucia Terberger (2007)
    7. Master Heinrich Maria Leopold Maximilian Runow (2010)
    8. Master Johannes Emanuel Philipp Maria Runow (2012)
  15. His maternal great aunts and uncles are:
    1. Princess Marie Gabrielle Antonia José in Bravia, Countess von Waldburg zu Zeil und Trauchburg (1931)
    2. Georg, Fürst von Waldburg zu Zeil und Trauchburg (1928)
    3. Princess Marie Charlotte Juliana in Bravia (1931)
    4. Paul, Fürst von Quadt zu Wykradt und Isny (1930-2011)
    5. Franz, Duke of Bavaria (1933)
  16. His paternal great aunts and uncles are:
    1. Prince Phillipp of Liechtenstein (1946-1991)
    2. Princess Isabelle de l'Arbre de Malander of Liechtenstein  (1949)
    3. Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein (1947)
    4. Princess Margaretha of Luxembourg, Princess of Liechtenstein (1957),
    5. Princess Norberta "Nora" (1950)
    6. Vicente Sartorius y Cabeza de Vaca (1931–2002), 3rd Marqués de Mariño
    7. Prince Franz Josef of Liechtenstein (1962–1991)
  17. He is currently 2nd in the for the throne of Liechtenstein after his father.
  18. He is also 3rd in line for the the Jacobite succession to England after his mother.
  19. If/When he "reigns" in the Jacobite crown, he will be the 1st Jacobite to have been born on English soil since James Francis Edward Stuart in 1688.
  20. When he he will eventually become a Head of State of Liechtenstein, a position not held by a Stuart heir-general since his great-great-great-great uncle Francis V, Duke of Modena.


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