Royal Profile: Prince Odysseas-Kimon of Greece

Prince Odysseas-Kimon of Greece was born 17 September 2004 in London as the 2nd son of Crown Prince Pavlos & Crown Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece {Source}. He has an older sister, two older brothers and a younger brother, all of who carry the title and style HRH Prince/ss of Greece. They are:
  1. Princess Maria-Olympia of Greece (1996)
  2. Prince Constantine Alexios of Greece (1998)
  3. Prince Achileas-Andreas of Greece(2000)
  4. Prince Aristidis-Stavros of Greece (2008)

Like his siblings, he's grown up mostly in the US and Europe. As of right now, the family is based in London. He shares a birthday with his mother.

His christening took place in Greece the following summer after his birth {Source}. His godparents consisted of{Source}:
  1. Prince Philippos of Greece (paternal uncle)
  2. Princess Olga of Greece (paternal 2nd cousin 1x removed)
  3. Princess Alexandra of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (paternal 1st cousin 1x removed)
  4. Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway
  5. Nassos Thanopolous (Greek businessman based in England, likely a friend of his parents)
  6. Arki Busson
  7. Chris Thomsen


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