Royal Profile: Alexandre Coste-Grimaldi

Alexandre Éric Stéphane Coste-Grimaldi was born as Alexandre Éric Stéphane Tossoukpé and later known as Alexandre Éric Stéphane Coste on 24 August 2003 as the son of of Prince Albert of Monaco and Nicole Coste{Source}. He has two older half brothers from his mother, and an older half sister and two younger half siblings from his father, who are{Source}:

  • Jazmin Grace Grimaldi (1992, also illegitimate)
  • Prince Jacques of Monaco (2014)
  • Princess Gabriella of Monaco (2014)

He is also the step-son of Princess Charlene of Monaco, and nephew of Princess CarolinePrincess Stephanie.

His mother Nicole changed their surname to Coste on 10 November 2004, a move in which is believe to be in homage to Prince Albert's lawyer, Thierry La Coste.

His mother owns a villa just outside of Monaco in Villefranche-sur-Mer, France and has an apartment in Paris{Source}. It is believed that one of these is their primary residence and that Alexandre attends school in either Paris or Villefranche-sur-Mer. At present, Alexandre should be preparing to enter 6ème, this is equal to the 6th grade in the US system.In 2014, it was revealed that Nicole and Alexandre had moved to London after many years in Paris, where his mother legally added "Grimaldi" to his name (after many years of being unable to do so due to French-Monégasque laws regarding the surname "Grimaldi") {Source}.

Like his elder sister's mother, his own mother fought for years for Prince Albert to publicly acknowledged him as his own. However, Nicole had much more success than his elder half-sister's mother, Tamara, in that department-Prince Albert publicly acknowledged his son in 2005, nearly a year before his sister was acknowledged, and after only about 22 months of fighting it{Source}. Also like his sister, he is rarely seen, the last photos of him were around 2009.

In October 2006, his father was interviewed by Larry King, in which he stated his children out of wedlock would not be in line for the Monégasque throne but that they would be taken care of financially{Source}. They are also an heir to Prince Albert's personal fortune, estimated at more than one billion dollars{Source}. Due to the accession of Monaco to the Council of Europe on 5 October 2004, the European Convention on Human Rights regulates inheritance rights, in addition to the laws of Monaco, which also guarantees familial inheritance for children born out of wedlock.

He shares a birthday with his father's paternal 1st cousin 1x removed, K. Sébastien Knecht de Massy.


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