Royal Profile: Tallulah Lascelles

Tallulah Grace Lascelles was born 1 December 2005 as the only daughter of Robert Jeremy HughLascelles and Catherine Isobel Bell {Source}. Throguh her father, she has the following elder half siblings{Source}:
  1. Thomas Robert Lascelles (1982)
  2. Ellen Mary Lascelles (1984)
    1. Mike Hermans (unmarried)
      1. Jack Marley Hermans (2016, illegitimate)
  3. Amy Rose Lascelles (1986)

She and her elder half-siblings currently occupy 62-65th spots for the British throne {Source}. Her paternal grandmother was The Princess Mary, The Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of King George V and Queen Mary {Source}, thus making her a 1st cousin 1x removed from Queen Elizabeth II via George V.


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