Royal Profile: Tallulah Lascelles

Tallulah Grace Lascelles was born 1 December 2005 as the only daughter of The Hon. Robert Jeremy Hugh Lascelles and Catherine Isobel Bell {Source}. Throguh her father, she has the following elder half siblings{Source}:
  1. Thomas Robert Lascelles (1982)
  2. Ellen Mary Lascelles (1984)
    1. Mike Hermans (unmarried)
      1. Jack Marley Hermans (2016, illegitimate)
      2. Penny Moon Hermans (2018, illegitimate)
  3. Amy Rose Lascelles (1986)
She and her elder half-siblings currently occupy 65-69th spots for the British throne {Source}. Her paternal grandmother was The Princess Mary, The Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of King George V and Queen Mary {Source}, thus making her a 1st cousin 1x removed from Queen Elizabeth II via George V.


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