Royal Profile: HRH Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg

Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra Joséphine Teresa Charlotte Marie Wilhelmine of Luxembourg was born 16 Februrary 1991 at Maternity Grande-Duchesse Charlotte in Luxembourg, the only daughter of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg. She has four brothers- Guallieum, Louis, Felix & Sébastien. She attened primary school at Angelsberg, Luxembourg and finished her secondary education at the Lycée Vauban in Luxembourg, where she recieved the French   Baccalauréat with honors in 2009. She presently attends Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, United States, studying history, philosophy and literature.

Up until summer 2011, Princess Alexandra was NOT in line for the throne of Luxembourg due to agnatic succession, when absolute primogeniture was adopted starting with the descendants of Grand Duke Henri. Therefore, as of Februrary 2012, she is presently 3rd in line, preceding her younger brother, Sébastien since her older brother Louis gave up his and his decendents rights to the throne in 2006 when he married Princess Tessy.

Princess Alexandra speaks fluent French, English, and Spanish, and has good knoledge of German and Italian.

She is the godmother to her nephew, Prince Gabriel of Nassau. She received the Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau on 23 June 2009, during Luxembourg's National Day Celebrations. Through her father, she is related to every single currently reigning European Monarch.

When she is not attending school, she participates in official funtions such as National Day, Bastille Day, and Octave of the Feast of Our Lady of Luxembourg. Princess Alexandra is official patron  of  the Lëtzebuerger Déiereschutzliga (an animal shelter in Luxembourg) and Foundation Lëtzebuerger Blannevereenegung (An association for the Blind & Disabled of Luxemourg).

Her full official title is: Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra Josephine Teresa Charlotte Marie Wilhelmina, Princess of Luxembourg, Princess of Nassau and Bourbon-Parm. Her godparents are Michel de Ligne, 14th Prince of Ligne, and Princess Maria-Anna Galitzine, born as Archduchess of Austria.

When she is not in school or performing royal duties, she is an avid sportswoman. Princess Alexandra loves literature and sport. Very athletic, she practices among other tennis, skiing and water skiing.


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