Royal Profile: HSH Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein

Prince Hans-Adam II,  Adam Ferdinand Alois Josef Maria Marko of Liechtenstein was born 14 Februrary 1945, the oldest child and son of Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein and his wife Countess Georgina von Wilczek. He has three brothers (Princes Phillipp, Franz- Joesph &  Nikolaus) and a sister (Nora).

The Prince graduated from the University of St. Gallen with a degree in Business and Economic Studies in 1969. He married his second cousin-once removed, Countess Marie Aglaë Kinsky von Wchinitz und Tettau on 30 July 1967. He has four children-Alois, Maximilian, Constantin, and  Tatjana. He has 15 grandchildren.

Prince Hans-Adam owns LGT banking group and has a family fortune of $7.6 billion and a personal fortune of about $4.0 billion, making him one of the world's richest heads of state, and Europe's wealthiest monarch. He owns an extensive art collection, which is displayed for the public at theLiechtenstein Museum in Vienna. The Prince has written the political treatise The State in the Third Millennium, which was published in late 2009.

The Prince's native tongue is German, but he also speaks English and French fluently. 

In 2004, he formally turned the power of making day-to-day governmental decisions over to his eldest son, the Hereditary Prince Alois, as a way of beginning a dynastic transition to a new generation, however, legally, Hans-Adam remains Head of State of Liechtenstein.


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