Royal Profile:Prince Gabriel de Nassau

Prince Gabriel Michael Louis Ronny de Nassau  was born 12 March 2006, as the elder of two sons of Prince Louis of Luxembourg and Tessy de Nassau  at a private hospital in Switzerland {Source}. He was the first grandchild of The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. 

His godparents were his paternal aunt, Princess Alexandra and maternal uncle Ronny.

He was named
  • Gabriel: Likely a name his parents liked
  • Michael: likely for his maternal uncle Michael Antony
  • Louis: For his father
  • Ronny: For his maternal uncle and godfather 
On Luxembourg National Day 2009 (23 June), his grandfather issued a Grand-Ducal decree granting his mother the title Princess of Luxembourg, Princess of Bourbon-Parma with the style Her Royal Highness,  and gave he and his younger brother (and that of any potential future children) the title Prince of Nassau  and the style His/Her Royal Highness {Source}.


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