The Royal Recap of the Royals You Love: July 18-24, 2016


-Archduke Karl-Konstantin celebrated his 12th birthday on Wednesday.


-King Philippe, Queen Mathilde, Princess Elisabeth, The Duchess of Brabant, Prince Gabriel, Prince Emmanuel, Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid, Archduchess of Austria-Este, Prince Lorenz, Archduke of Austria-Este attended the 2016 Belgian National Day Celebrations on Thursday {Photos}


-Prince Felix celebrated his 14th birthday on Friday.

-Konstantin Gustav Heinrich Richard Johannsmann celebrated his 6th birthday on Sunday.


-Prince Ernest-August of Hanover celebrated his 33rd birthday on Tuesday.

Great Britain

-Prince George of Cambridge celebrated his 3rd birthday on Friday.

-The Lady Helen Marina Lucy Taylor & Timothy Taylor celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary on Monday.

-The Lady Rose Louise Gilman & George Gilman celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary on Tuesday.


-Princess Georgina celebrated her 11th birthday on Saturday.


-Grand Duke Henri, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke, Princess Stéphanie, Hereditary Grand Duchess,Prince Felix, Princess Claire, Princess Alexandra, Prince Sébastien, Prince Louis, Princess Tessy  attended day 1 of Luxembourg's National Day Events on Friday {Photos}. On Saturday, they continued with their National Day Celebations {Photos}


-Prince Albert II & Princess Charlene attended the 68th Red Cross Ball on Saturday{Photos}.

-Princess Alexandra of Hanover celebrated her 17th birthday on Wednesday.


-Crown Prince Haakon celebrated his 43rd birthday on Wednesday.


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