Royal Profile: Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia

Crown Prince Alexander of Yugoslavia was born on 17 July 1945 as the only son of Queen Alexandra and King Peter of Yugoslaiva {Source}.

He was baptized shortly after his birth, with the following as his godparents{Source}:

After the end of WWII, his family was illegially prevented form re-entering Yugoslavia by the communist regime {Source}. Thus, Crown Prince Alexander grew up mostly in exile in the United States, France, Italy and England {Source}.

He attended to his education in Switzerland, the United States, Scotland, and England. He attended Marie-José and Le Rosey in Switzerland, Culver Military Academy in the United States, Gordonstoun School in Scotland and Millfield School in England {Source}. Upon his final graduation, he enrolled in the British Royal Military Academy, and thus became a commissioned officer in the British Army in 1966 {Source}.

His military career lead him to become a member of the 16th/5th The Queen's Royal Lancers, rising to the rank of Captain. He toured West Germany, Italy, the Middle East and Northern Ireland{Source}. . When he left the army in 1972, he began to pursue a carreer in international business{Source}.

His father died in 1970, but Crown Prince Alexander decided not to use the title King, but made it clear that he was not renoucing his succession, title or dynastic rights to the throne{Source}. He felt that the title King of Yugoslavia meant nothing in the real world as he was in exile{Source}.

In 1991, accompanied by his second wife, and three sons, they arrived in Yugoslavia to be greeted by hundreds of thousands of Yugoslaivians {Source}. Before 5 October 2000's Siberian Revolution, Crown Prince Alexander visited Yugoslavia several times, as well as to Montenegro, Kosovo, and Bosnia{Source}. In July 2001 (on his birthday, in fact), he, his second wife and his now teenage sons moved into the Royal Palace in Belgrade{Source}.

Crown Prince Alexander has always been a very ardent defender of democracy and human rights. In 1989, he took a very active role in helping his people shake off the legacy of decades of dictatorship and the regime{Source}. During the next decade the Crown Prince Alexander conducted numerous meetings and maintained constant contact with the democratic opposition and democrats throughout the former Yugoslavia{Source}. In November 1999, Crown Prince Alexander convened a large conference in Budapest for the representatives of the Democratic Opposition in Serbia{Source}.

Crown Prince Alexander has been married twice. His first marriage was to Princess Maria da Gloria'd Orleans and Bragança, a relationship which resulted in three sons{Source}. Their sons are:
  1. Hereditary Prince Peter (1980)
  2. Prince Philip (1982, twin)
    1. Princess Danica (m. 2017)
      1. Prince Stefan (2018)
  3. Prince Alexander (1982, twin)

His marrige to the mother of his three sons ended in divorce in 1983{Source}. Two years later, he marred Katherine Batis{Source}.

In his free time, he likes to ski, sail, water ski, scuba dive and play tennis{Source}. In 1972, he was the British Army Ski Champion{Source}. Some of his other interests include music, theatre, information technology and current affiars{Source}.


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