Royal Profile: Miranda Lacelles

Miranda Rose Lascelles was born 20 July 2000 as the youngest of three daughters of Hon. Mark Hubert Lascelles and Andrea Kershaw {Source}. She has two sisters{Source}:

She is active on social media (no. Don't waste your time asking, and it took me forever to find it and confirm it was in fact her that I found, so no.).

Miranda is not in succession for the British throne as her grandparents were not married at the time of her father's birth (they were married 31 July 1967, her father was born 5 July 1967). If she were in succession, she would be no higher than 66th today. She is however, distantly related to Queen Elizabeth II-her grandfather was Queen Elizabeth II's first cousin, making Miranda and Queen Elizabeth II first cousins 2x removed.

Miranda attended Gateways School in England.


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