Royal Profile: Azaea Beatrice Corvalán-Reyna y de Saboya

Azaea Beatrice Corvalán-Reyna y de Saboya was born 11 November 1973 as the daughter of Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy and Luis Reyna-Corvallan y Dillon {Source}. She had two brothers{Source}:
  1. Prince Rafaello of Savoy (1970-1994, sucide)
  2. Prince Patrizio of Savoy (1971-1971)
She married Arturo Pando y Mundet in 1996{Source}. Together they have one daughter{Source}:
She is a maternal granddaughter of the last King of Italy, Umberto II {Source}. Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice and Piedmont, Prince Sergius of Yugoslavia, Princess Helene of Yugoslavia, Prince Dimitri of Yugoslavia & Prince Michael of Yugoslavia are her cousins.


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