The Recap of the Royals You Love: Feb 11-17


-King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck &  Queen Jetsun arrived in Dhaka, Bangladesh for a five-day visit on Friday {Source}. Check back for a full recap.
Great Britain

-The Prince Charles of Wales & Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall re-opened the Borough Market in London on Thursday {Source}

-Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall visited the RISE Children's Centre to meet with volunteers, join in on story time and meet with Youth Group members on Tuesday {Source}. On Wednesday, she attended the inauguration of an exhibit entitled Floruculture: Flowers, Love & Money at the Garden Museum {Source}

-The Princess Anne, The Princess Royal opened the new Bishop Grosseteste University Library on Friday {Source}


-Queen Rania inaugurated a new building of the "...Rmeil Charitable Society located in the Al Jeezeh district and dropped by one of the public schools in the area to check on students starting their second semester." on Monday {Source}{Source}. On Tuesday, she met with met with the "...participants and winners of the Intel Science Competition-Arab World 2012, which took place in December in Dubai and drew 130 students from 11 Arab countries..." {Source}


-Prince Hans-Adam II celebrated his 67th birthday on Thursday.


-Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa celebrated their 32nd Wedding anniversary on Thursday.

-Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke & Princess Stéphanie, Hereditary Grand Duchess paid a visit to the Luxembourg Air Rescue team on Monday {Photo}

-Princess Alexandra celebrated her 22nd birthday on  Saturday.


-Prince Albert II released a statement in regards to the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on Monday {Source} He also visited Hati on Friday {Source} Check back soon for a full recap of his trip to Brazil and Hati soon!

The Netherlands

-Princess Maxima attended the opening of the 5th edition of the WOMEN, Inc Festival on Thursday {Photos}{Photos}


-King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofia, Prince Felipe of Asturias & Princess Letizia of Asturias held an audience with the world champion handball team, Nacional de Balonmano de España on Monday {Source} On Wednesday, they attended a luncheon & reception for the President of Guatemala & his wife {Source}

-Prince Felipe of Asturias & Princess Letizia of Asturias presided over the ceremony for new accredited ambassadors at the  5th edition of the Embajadores Honorarios de la Marca España on Tuesday {Photos}. On Thursday, they attended the opening of the 32nd Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo (ARCOmadrid) {Photos}{Source}

-Princess Letizia of Asturias attended a  Roundtable discussion on epidemiological research colloquium VI International Congress Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases{Source}  and visited the 34th edition of "WorldSkills UK" (National Vocational Olympics) {Source} on Friday .

-Infanta Elena, Duchess of Lugo attended the opening of the 21st Edition of the AULA Salón Internacional del Estudiante y de la Oferta Educativa on Wednesday {Source}{Source}{Photos}


-Princess Madeleine attended a Royal Stockhom Philarmonic Orchestra Concert at Carniegie Hall in NYC {Photos}{Photos}and  paid a visit to Baruch High School with Peer Health Exchange {Photo}on Friday. 


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