Royal Profile: Prince Vincent of Denmark

Prince Vincent Frederik Minik Alexander of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, was born on 8 January 2011 at Rigshospitalet (Copenhagen University Hospital) as the third child and second son of Crown Prince Frederick and Crown Princess Mary {Source}. He has an older brother and sister, and a fraternal twin sister, Princess Josephine  {Source}.

Due to the 2008 Succession Act, which made Denmark's monarchy an absolute primogeniture monarchy (absolute primogeniture=boys and girls have equal rights to the throne and younger brothers do not displace older sisters), he is in line for the Danish throne after his sister Princess Isabella, who is a few years older than him.

He was christened in April 2011, with the following as his godparents{Source}:
  • Mr. John Stuart Donaldson (maternal uncle)
  •  Prince Gustav zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg (paternal 1st cousin 1x removed)
  •  Prince Felipe of Asturias
  • Count Michael Ahlefeldt-Laurvig-Bille
  • Baroness Helle Reedtz-Thott 
  • Caroline Heering
It is likely that he will begin his education as his elder siblings did before him, he will likely attend nursery school and Tranegårdsskolen. 


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