Royal Profile: María de las Mercedes Fernández-Sastrón y Gómez-Acebo

María de las Mercedes Fernández-Sastrón y Gómez-Acebo was born 17 January 2000 and is the daughter of Doña Simoneta Luisa Gómez-Acebo y de Borbón and granddaughter of Infanta Pilar, Duchess of Badajoz, Dowager Viscountess de la Torre{Source}. She has two older brothers{Source}:
  • Luis Juan Fernández-Sastrón y Gómez-Acebo (1991)
  • Pablo Fernández-Sastrón y Gómez-Acebo (1995)

As she is not technically or is technically a minor member of the Spanish Royal Family (pending on if you see her grandmother's abdication prior to the adaption of the constitution and define "descendants of King Juan Carlos I" as his sisters and their descendants as well), little is known about her nor does she perform public duties, one can assume she lives a fairly normal life of a 15 year old.

Her godparents are her maternal 1st cousin 1x removed, King Felipe VI of Spain and her paternal aunt, Olga Fernandez y Sastron{Source}


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