Royal Profile: Melanie-Antoinette de Massy de Lusignan

Melanie-Antoinette de Massy de Lusignan was born 18 January 1985 in Monaco as the daughter of Baroness Elisabeth-Anne de Massy and  Nicolai Vladimir Costello dit de Lusignan{Source (ed note: this website claims she is the daughter of Bernard Alexandre Baron Taubert Natta, when she is not)}. She is the niece of Christian Louis de Massy and cousin of Antoine de Massy.

She grew up in Monaco, attending The International School of Monaco, obtaining the International Baccalaureate in 2005. Melanie is a prominent business woman in Monaco, she is presently Agribras’ Head of Investor Relations{Source}. She is an advisor for Giersch Ventures, a financial advisory boutique, and a co-founder with Luiz Macambira of The Macmas Group, an investment advisory, real estate development and event promotion group{Source}.. She sits on the Committee of the Monegasque Tennis Federation and of theMonte Carlo Country Club {Source}. Other than the Tennis event in April and appearing on the balcony with the family during the National Day celebrations in November, she rarely performs public duties. In 2012, she appeared at the Monaco Against Autism event with her mother {Photos}, as well as several other events throughout the year {Photos}. She is a frequent attendee of the Bal de Rose (2008, 2009, 2012)and Red Cross Ball (2006, 2007,2011, 2012). In 2013, she along side Princess Charlene, she attended the 2nd day of the Monaco Petanque Masters 2013 event {Photos}. She also attended Day 1 of the event with the Princely Couple {Photos}. In June 2013, she represented the Princely Family at the SOS Animal Gala in honor of Princess Antoinette of Monaco in Spain {Photos}. In 2015, she was present on the baclony during the presentation of Prince Jacques, Hereditary Prince of Monaco & Princess Gabriella of Monaco and at their Cérémonie “des actes de naissances” *(Ceremony of birth certificates aka the signing of the birth certificates in the palace register) in December 2014 with her mother, brother and sister-in-law {Photos}

She is fluent in French and English, as well as speaking some German and Italian{Source}.

With the death of her great-uncle in 2005, she lost her place in the line of succession for the Monégasque throne, however, she and her immediate family remain in the "pool" of familial collaterals eligible to be selected for the Crown in the event of the extinction of the descendants of Prince Rainier.


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