Royal Profile: Baron Jean-Leonard Taubert-Natta de Massy

Baron Jean-Léonard Taubert-Natta de Massy was born 3 June 1974 as the first child of Baroness Elisabeth-Anne de Massy (Taubert-Natta) and Baron Bernard Taubert-Nattta in Switzerland{Source}.
 His parents divorced when he was fairly young, and by the time he was 10, his mother had remarried and he was about to be a big brother. His younger half sister, Melanie-Antoinette was born in January 1985, soon after that, their mother was divorced again{Source}. His father died when he was only 14 years old, leaving him to be raised by his mother along side his younger sister Melanie{Source}.

His godfather in Prince Albert II {Source}.

In April 2009, he married Suzanne Chrimes {Source}. Little is known about him, and he is primarily kept from the spotlight as he lost his succession rights with the death of his great uncle in 2005. Prior to his uncle's death, from 2002-2005, he was in 14th Place. If he were still in succession today, he would currently be 16th in succession. However remains as part of the "pool" of potential successors if the present line should fail.

Baron Jean-Léonard occasionally attends family events such as the Red Cross Ball (2008 (between Prince Albert & Princess Charlene), 2012 (again, between the Prince & Princess). He and his wife were invited to Prince Albert's wedding to Charlene Wittstock in 2011 {Source}.

It has also been rumored that while Prince Albert's famous spymaster, Robert Erringer was working in Monaco, Baron Jean-Léonard worked with him Another rumor is that Baron Jean-Léonard had substance abuse issues. Whether or not any of that is true, is another story.

While his mother and sister have fairly active roles in events, Baron Taubert-Natta de Massy does not. He likely speaks French, English, and some German and Italian, like his little sister.
He is of French, Mexican, Italian, German, Irish, Scottish, Swiss, and Monégasque ancestry.


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