Royal Profile: Anastasia van Lippe-Biesterfeld van Vollenhoven

Anastasia Margriet Joséphine van Lippe-Biesterfeld van Vollenhoven was born 15 April 2001 as the first child of Princess Marilène of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven-van den Broek and Prince Maurits of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven {Source}.

She was baptised on 23 September 2001 {Source}, with the following as her godparents{Source}:

  • Prince Bernhard of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven (paternal uncle)
  • Mrs .Caroline van Weede-van den Broek (matenral aunt)

She was likely named:

Anastasia: not sure, likely a name they liked
Margriet: her paternal grandmother
Joséphine : not sure, likely a name they likedAt birth, she was distantly in line for the Dutch throne, however, with the abdication of Princess Beatrix in 2013, she is no longer in line. She shares a birthday with King Philippe of The Belgians and  Leopold Christian Ingolf Rosanes af Rosenborg.


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