Royal Profile: Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein

Prince Joseph Wenzel Maximilian Maria of Liechtenstein was born 24 May 1995 as the eldest child of Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein & Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein {Source}. The young prince has two younger brothers and a younger sister{Source}:
  • Princess Marie Caroline (1996)
  • Prince Georg (1999)
  • Prince Nikolaus (2000)

His name comes from ancestors mostly{Source}:

  • Joseph Wenzel: For his ancestor, Josef Wenzel, Reigning Prince of Liechtenstein from 1712-1718 and 1748-1772
  • Maximillian: for his maternal grandfather, Prince Max, Duke in Bravia & paternal uncle (and godfather), Prince Maximillian
  • Maria: in accordance with Roman Catholic royalty traditions, in honor of the Virgin Mary.

As of 2013, he was attending Malvern College in England, where he had just been joined by his sister Princess Marie-Caroline {Source}{Source}. Prince Joesph Wenzel received his A-Levels in 2014{Source}. Upon recieving his A-Levels, he underwent a gap year to obtain work experience in the United States and South America {Source}. It is unknown where he or if he started university after his gap year.


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