Royal Profile: Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein

Prince Wenzeslaus of Liechtenstein was born 12 May 1974 as the son of Prince Philip Erasmus of Liechtenstein and  Isabelle de L'Arbre de Malander{Source}. He has two brothers, two sisters-in-law, three nieces and a nephew{Source}.: 
  1. Prince Alexander of Liechtenstein (1972)
    1. Astrid Barbara Kohl (m. 2003)
      1. Princess Theodora Alexandra of Liechtenstein (2004)
  2. Prince Rudolf Ferdinand of Liechtenstein (1975)
    1. Tilsim Tanberk (m.2012)
      1. Princess Aliénor Faye of Liechtenstein (2014-2015)
      2. Princess Laetitia  of Liechtenstein (2016)
      3. Prince Karl Ludwig of Liechtenstein (2016)

Unlike his brothers, he has become something of a society column figure due to this relationship with Victoria's Secret model Adriana Lima {Source}. 

He is the nephew of Prince Hans-Adam II and Princess Marie of Liechtenstein and is currently 12th in succession for the throne of Liechtenstein after three cousins, six first cousins 1x removed, his father, and his brother. 


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