Royal Profile: Prince Gabriel, The Duke of Dalarna

Prince Gabriel Carl Walther, The Duke of Dalarna was born on August 31, 2017 as the second child of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia {Source}.
Prince Gabriel has one older brother {Source}:
  1. Prince Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil, The Duke of Södermanland (2016)

The fourth grandson and seventh grandchild overall of King Carl XVI Gustaf & Queen Silvia was christened in December 2017, with the following as his godparents {Source}:

  1. Princess Madeleine (paternal aunt)
  2. Thomas de Toledo Sommerlath (paternal 1st cousin 1x removed)
  3. Sara Hellqvist (maternal aunt)
  4. Oscar Kylerg (friend of his father's)
  5. Carolina Pihl (friend of his mother's)


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