Royal Profile: Almudena Dailly

Almudena Marie Sarah Béatrice Aline Dailly was born 16 December 2004 as the daughter of Princess Adélaïde d'Orleans & Pierre-Louis Dailly {Source}. She has the following siblings {Source}:
  • Diego Marie Michel Louis Alexis Dailly (2003)
  • Gaetano Dailly (2009)
Her maternal grandparents are Prince Michel d'Orleans, Count d'Evreux and Béatrice Pasquier de Franclieu {Source}.

Her royal line is defunct, therefore she does not perform any royal duties and likely lives a fairly normal life. She is named:
  • Almudena: no idea, but it means The Virgin of Almudena, patron saint of Madrid.
  • Marie: for her greatx3 grandmother,  Princess Marie Isabelle d'Orléans.
  • Sarah: Hebrew for Princess
  • Béatrice: for her maternal grandmother, Béatrice Pasquier de Franclieu.
  • Aline: from Scottish meaning Bearer of Light


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