Royal Profile: Princess Catharina-Amalia of Oranje

Princess Catharina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria of Oranje was born 7 December 2003 to then The Prince of Oranje and Princess Maxima {Source}. She has two younger sisters{Source}:

She was baptized on 12 June 2004, with the following godparents {Source}:

Since the investiture of the King on 30 April 2013, Princess Catharina-Amalia has borne the title Princess of Orange, and she is the first female to hold it with her own right {Source}. Upon turning 18 years old (on this date in 2021), she will officially become a member of the Council of State{Source}.

Even at the age of 12, she has undertaken several official duties. In 2010, she was a bridesmaid during her godmother's 2010 wedding {Photos}. She has regurally attended events regarding The Netherlands's King Day.

She attends local schools in The Netherlands. She attended Bloemcamp primary school {Source}. In 2013, she began attending Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet {Source}. Her activities and hobbies consist of hockey,  playing piano and riding horses {Source}.

She is presently the third youngest direct heir to the throne.


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