Royal Profile: Isabella Windsor

Isabella Alexandra May Windsor  was born 16 January 2016 as the younger of two daughters of  Lord Fredrik Windsor and Sophie Winkleman {Source}. She has one older sister {Source}:

  • Miss Maud Daphne Marina Windsor (2013)
She is the paternal granddaughter of Prince Michael of Kent and Princess Michael of Kent {Source}. If she had been born a day earlier, she would've shared a birth date with her grandmother.
Through her paternal grandfather, she is distantly in succession for the British throne, as of January 2018, she is 45+ in succession {Source}. Her elder sister began attending classes at Thomas's Battersea this fall, like their cousin Prince George of Cambridge and it's possible that Isabella will follow in a couple of years {Source}.

One of her godparents is Jamie Oliver {Source}


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