Royal Profile: Prince Eudes d'Orléans, The Duke of Angouleme

Prince Eudes Thibaut Joseph Marie d'Orléans, The Duke of Angouleme was born 18 March 1968 as the youngest son of Prince Henri d'Orléans, The Duke of France and The Count of Paris and Princess Maria Teresa  d'Orléans, The Duchess of France and The Countess of Paris {Source}. He has two older brothers, two older sisters, and a host of siblings-in-law, nieces, and nephews {Source}:
  1. Prince François Henri Louis Marie d'Orléans, The Count of Clermont (1961-2017)
  2. Princess Marie Isabelle d'Orléans, Princess of Liechtenstein (1959)
    1.  Prince Gundakar of Liechtenstein (1949, m. 1989)
      1. Princess Léopoldine of Liechtenstein (1990)
      2. Princess Marie Immaculata of Liechtenstein (1991)
      3. Prince Johann Wenzel of Liechtenstein (1993)
      4. Princess Margarete of Liechtenstein (1995)
      5. Prince Gabriel of Liechtenstein (1998)
  3. Princess Blanche Elisabeth Rose Marie d'Orléans (1963)
  4. Prince Jean Charles Pierre Marie  d'Orléans, The Duke of Vendome (1965)
    1. Philomena de Tornos y Steinhart (m. 2009)
      1. Prince Gaston Louis Antoine Marie  d'Orléans (2009)
      2. Princess Antoinette Léopoldine  Jeanne Marie d'Orléans (2012)
      3. Princess Louise-Marguerite Eléonore Marie d'Orléans (2014)
      4. Prince Joseph Gabriel David Marie  d'Orléans  (2016)
He married  civilly on 19 June 1999 and religiously on 10 July 1999 to  Marie-Liesse de Rohan-Chabot {Source}. Together, they have two children
  1. Princess Thérèse Isabelle Marie Éléonore d'Orléans (2001)
  2. Prince Pierre Jean Marie d'Orléans (2003)
He is fourth in succession for the Orléanist claim to the French throne.


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