The Recap of The Royals You Love: March 26-April 1


-King Albert II held an audience with the Minister of Public Enterprises, Science Policy and Development Cooperation, Mr. Paul Magnette, at Château de Laeken {Source}.

-Princess Mathilde was in Albania as a special representative for the World Health Organization (WHO) this week. The purpose of her visit is to promote the importance of vaccination and to "...highlight the work of the WHO health professionals 2012 vaccination campaign.{Photos}" During her visit to Albania she met with local dignitaries, visit various community health centers as well as various schools.


-Prince Henrik participated in a meeting with the committee for King Frederik IX held at Eigtveds Pakhus on Thursday {Source}.

-Crown Prince Fredrick & Crown Princess Mary played host and hostess to The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall from Sunday to Wednesday this week during their Diamond Jubliee tour of the country. On Wednesday evening they attended  the 9th annual youth and life skills Dinner {Source}.

-Crown Princess Mary  attended the première of the film, En Kongelig Affære, starring Mads Mikkelsen and Alicia Vikander {Photos} and she also inaugurated the Mor-Barn Centret (Mother-Child Center) at the Kolding Hospital on on Wednesday {Photos} . On Friday, she participated in the 2012 E-Skills Conference held at Experimentarium in Hellerup {Photos}

-Crown Prince Frederik attended the opening of Dansk og International Kunst Efter 1900 exhibition held at the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen {Source}.

Great Britain

-Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh visited north London as part of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. During their visit, they visited Valentine's ParkWaltham Forest Town Hall and Krishna Avanti School in Harrow {Photos}{Photos}{Video}.

-Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles of Wales, Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall, Sophie, Coutness of Wessex, Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, Sir Timothy Laurence, Prince Harry, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, Princess Beatrice of York, & Princess Eugenie of York, David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linely, Serena Armstrong-Jones, Viscountess Linley, The Hon. Margrita Armstrong-Jones, The Hon. Charles Armstrong-Jones, The Lady Sarah Chatto, Daniel Chatto, Samuel Chatto & Arthur Chatto attended a memorial Thanksgiving mass for Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mum and her younger daughter Princess Margaret on Friday {Source}{Photos}{Photos}{Photos}{Photos}{Photos}. (Sad when the bold info is shorter than the actual news, no? ;))

-Prince Charles of Wales & Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall finished their Scandinavian Tour on Tuesday. You may see a full recap of their visit by viewing the article here.

-Prince Harry has spoken passionately about the nation’s debt to wounded servicemen as he waved off an expedition that aims to get a British amputee to the summit of Everest for the first time {Source}. Also, in the news this week, Prince Harry has moved out of The Clarence House into a private small cottage on the Kensington Palace estate last week. In spite of some reports, he did not move in with The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge, but to a smaller cottage on the estate, until they move into Apartment 1A later this year {Source}. He was in Transylvania during the Easter holiday {Source}.

-Anne, The Princess Royal officially opened a new display of the world famous Crown Jewels at the Tower of London which has been completed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen on Thursday {Photos}{Video}.

-Peter Mark Andrew Phillips & Autumn Patricia Phillips welcomed their second daughter, Isla Elizabeth Phillips, on Thursday {Source}. There will be no official photos of her released, however we may see her once they start making appearances (like was done with Savannah)

-Princess Beatrice of York was at the Olympic stadium on Saturday, where she participated in a fun-run for people who won the chance to be the first to cross the Olympics's finish line before the Games this summer. Princess Beatrice started the race and handed out prizes afterward{Source}.

-Princess Beatrice of York & Princess Eugenie of York will be loosing their tax-payer £250,000 royal body guard protection when Princess Eugenie graduates from Newcastle University this spring. However,  their dad is paying three former body guards to protect his daughters out of his own pocket {Source}. All I'll say is that if they start acting like full-fledged members of the "Firm"-performing duties daily on their own, etc, they deserve it, but if See my op-ed about it here.

-Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips has continued to have a solid eventing season in 2012 {Source}.

-Prince Richard, The Duke of Glouchester attended a Concert of The London Chorus at the Royal Festival Hall on Friday {Source}. The Duke of Glouchester is patron of the group.


-Princess Sara & Princess Aisha celebrated their 15th birthdays on Tuesday. They are the twin daughters of Prince Fasial, who is presently 3rd in line for the throne.

-Princess Badiya celebrated her 38th birthday on Wednesday.

-Prince Hamzah celebrated his 32nd birthday on Thursday. He is presently 7th in line for the throne. 


-Prince Albert attended a reception for Monaco's Bobseigh Association's 25th anniversary on Friday {Photo}

-Prince Albert & Princess Charlene attended a gala in their honor during their visit to Kautokeino, Norway on Monday evening {Photos}{Photos}.

-Prince Albert, Princess Caroline of Hanover & Princess Alexandra of Hanover attended the men's free skating preliminary round at the ISU World Figure Skating Championships in Nice, France on Tuesday {Photos}.

-Princess Caroline of Hanover & Princess Alexandra of Hanover attended the ice dance short dance at the ISU World Figure Skating Championships in Nice Wednesday {Photos} and again on Saturday {Photos}.

-Pierre Rainier Casiaraghi's alleged attacker, Adam Hock, appeared in a NY court again this week, where he rejected a plea bargin that would've gaurenteed he would not serve jail time. He will be back in court on May 27 {Source}.

-Charlotte Marie Pomeline Casiraghi participated in BARBIZON 2012   Equestrian compettion this week. In her first competition she placed 41/83 with a horse named Costa Virgo; 74/83 with a horse named Rubin's Rebel  on Friday {Source}. In her second compettion, she came in 38/74 with her horse, Troy {Source}.

-Princess Stephanie was awarded a check for her work with her organization, Fight Aids Monaco from the President of the "Night of Associations" organizer, Franck Nicolas on Thursday {Source/Photo}. She was spotted in Marbella, Spain on Thursday {Photos}.

The Netherlands

-Queen Beatrix  was at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam to celebrate 25 years of the National Committee on Tuesday. On Friday, she visited Middleburg to unveil a monument of  Willem van Oranje at the Abbey {Video} {Photos}.

-Prince Willem-Alexander of Oranje visited the IT security company, Fox IT, to learn more about the company this week{Video}. On Thursday, he visited the municipality Barendrecht, where he participated in a meeting, toured an activity center and spent time in a "... 500-year-old village church." {Video}

-Prince Friso will remain on the board of Telenet board in spite of him being unable to attend to his regular duties. He has been on the board since 2004 {Source}


-King Harald V held audiences with representatives from the Lion's Club International at the royal palace.

-Crown Princess Mette-Mairt has pledged to bike to work for WWF once every two weeks. She also pledges to participate in Earth Hour on Saturday {Source}.


-King Juan Carlos I & Queen Sofia  participated in the XXIX Edition of the International Journalism Awards "King Spain" and the VIII Edition of the Don Quixote Award for Journalism in Madrid, Spain on Wednesday{Video} {Photos}.

-King Juan Carlos I unveiled a new plaque in the "...Bosnian community of Mostar" on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the arrival of the Spanish army in Bosnia and Herzegovina on Thursday{Video}{Photos}.

-Queen Sofia  opened the new exhibition entitled, Tesoros Preincas de la Cultura Mochica: El Señor de Sipán, Huaca de la Luna y la Dama de Cao, on Tuesday in Cádiz, Spain {Source}.

-Prince Felipe & Princess Letiza of Austrias attended the opening of the 19th annual International Alimentaria 2012, a food and beverages exhibition, in Barcelona on Monday {Photos}.

-Prince Felipe of Austrias  held an audience, at El Pardo Palace, with students enrolled in the MBA program at Stanford University & Professor Emeritus Frank E. Buck from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford and the 1997 Nobel Prize winner, Mr. Myron  Samuel Scholes {Source}.

-Iñaki Urdangarin, Duke of Palma will be formally charged with four different crimes that include misappropriation of funds, corruption, fraud and document forgery, Spanish newspaper El País reported on Monday {Source}.


-Prince Daniel & Prince Carl Phillip have challenged each other to turn off lights during Saturday's Earth Hour  {Source}.

-Prince Carl Philip attended the Emerichfondens Awards in Stockholm, Sweden on Monday, where he  handed out various prizes including the Essay Prize and the Education Peace Prize {Source}.

-Princess Madeline gave an interview while she was home in Sweden visiting her niece to clear up some of the rumors about her, her lack of involvement in the monarchy and her work in the United States. In the interview, which can be seen here, she says that she is working full time for World Childhood Foundation and not getting paid, but is still paying to live in NYC on private funds (my translation: Her boyfriend is paying for everything or her parents are sending her money), and other than visiting her niece, she has been performing various royal duties while in Sweden, and intends to stay in the United States for at least the next year. 


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