Editor's Picks: 2013 Predictions?
Belgium: No idea-Thoughts? Denmark: No idea-Thoughts? German: HANOVER: Speculation is over, and a Divorce announcement for E-A & Caro Possible Engagement for E-A Jr or Christian Alexandra (13) converts from Protestant to Catholic, renouncing her rights to the British Throne as the new law hasn't gone into effect yet, but it doesn't really matter or is a big controversy because she's been attending a catholic school anyway in Monaco and is like 420th in line. PRUSSIA: Birth of the twins for Sophie & Georg Fredrich, likely boys (60-40 chance…I just did the math based on DNA…27/47 of the last births in the Prussian Royals have been male, while 20/47 have been female), and sometime in February 2013. Possible Godparents: one of the von Schaumburg-Lippe royals (several attended their wedding), Maybe Lord or Lady Nicholas Windsor?, maybe one of the witnesses from their wedding (Princess Sophie of Baden, Dr Stephanie Bermig, Dr Prince Johann G...