Grand Duke Henri & Grand Duchess Maria Teresa visit Austria

Day 1 (April 15)

They arrived in Austria, where they recieved an official welcome with military honors before The Grand Duke attended a meeting with the President of Austria {Source}, while the ladies of Luxembourg and Austria met {Source}.  In the evening, the royal pair attended a state dinner hosted by the President and his wife{Source}{Photos}

Day 2 (April 16)

First thing on the Grand Duke's agenda was a meeting with the Austrian President of National Council {Source}. Afterward, he was joined by his wife to  participate in the Austro-Luxembourg Economic Forum{Source} At lunchtime, they attended an official luncheon hosted by the President of National Council {Source}. After lunch, they met with the Director-General of the UN at the UN offiice in Vienna {Source}. They hosted a reception for the President and First Lady of Austria in one of the "...presitious rooms of the Albertina..."{Source}.

Day 3 (April 17)

On the final day of their visit, they began their day with a visit to the Abey of Melk in Lower Austria {Source}. They attended a wreath-laying ceremony at hte Mauthausen concentration camp{Source}. They visited voestalpine AG {Source}. They also visited "Ars Electonica"{Source}.


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