Royal Profile: Doña María de Fátima Simoneta Luisa Gómez-Acebo y de Borbón

Doña María de Fátima Simoneta Luisa Gómez-Acebo y de Borbón was born 31 October 1968, the eldest of five children of Infanta Pilar, Duchess of Badajoz, Grandee of Spain, Dowager Viscountess de la Torre and Don Luis Gómez-Acebo y Duque de Estrada, ?th Viscount de la Torre, Grandee of Spain {Source}.

She married on 12 September 1990 to José Miguel Fernández y Sastrón, later Fernández-Sastrón{Source}. Together, they have three children, two sons and a daughter{Source}:

  1. Luis Juan Fernández-Sastrón y Gómez-Acebo (1991)
  2. Pablo Fernández-Sastrón y Gómez-Acebo (1995)
  3. María de las Mercedes Fernández-Sastrón y Gómez-Acebo (born 17 January 2000)
She and José were divorced in 2012{Source}

Little is known about Simoneta and her life as she is not considered a member of the Spanish Royal Family, in spite of being a first cousin to the current King of Spain. She shares a birthday with the future Queen of Spain, Infanta Doña Leonor de Todos los Santos de Borbón y Ortiz, Princess of Asturias, Princess of Girona, Princess of Viana, Duchess of Montblanc, Countess of Cervera and Lady of Balaguer, who is her 1st cousin 1x removed.


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