Royal Profile: Lucas van Lippe-Biesterfeld van Vollenhoven

Lucas Maurits Pieter Henri van Lippe-Biesterfeld van Vollenhoven was born 26 October 2002 as the son of  Prince Mauris of Oranje-Nassau, van Vollenhoven and Princess Marilène of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven{Source}. He has two sisters, one older and one younger{Source}:
He was baptized on 21 April 2003 with the following as his godparents {Source}:
  1. Prince Pieter-Christiaan van Oranje-Nassau (paternal uncle)
  2. Jeroen Pit (if I have the right one, Pit died in 2012, he was a Dutch businessman and died of GIST)
  3. Emilie Pit (Jeroen's wife)

By Royal Decree of 26 May 1998, the children of Mauris bear the surname "van Lippe-Biesterfeld van Vollenhoven". Wit the abdication of Queen Beatrix in April 2013, Mauris, his children, as well as his brothers and their children, were no longer elligable for the throne and Royal House according to The Membership of the Royal House Act, which specifies that only those within "three degrees of kinship" to the monarch can be in the line of succession. However, this exculsion is not permanent. In the unlikely event that King Wiliem Alexander and his daughters became ineligible for the throne or die, Princess Margriet would become Queen and her children and grandchildren would be back in line. However, that's not likely.


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