Royal Profile: Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg

Prince Guillaume Marie Louis Christian of Luxembourg was born 1 May 1963 as the youngest child of Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg & Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte of Luxembourg {Source}. He has the following nieces and nephews{Source}:
  1. Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxemboug, Archduchess of Austria (1954)
    1. Archduke Carl Christian of Austria (1954, m. 1982)
      1. Archduchess Marie-Christine of Austria, The Countess de Limburg-Stirum (1983)
        1. Count Rodolphe de Limburg-Stirum (1979, m 2008)
          1. Count Léopold Menno Philippe Gabriel François-Xavier Marie Joseph Ghislain de Limburg-Stirum (2011)
          2. Count Constantin de Limburg-Stirum (2013).
      2. Archduke Imre of Austria (1985)
        1. Archduchess Kathleen Elizabeth of Austria (1986, m 2012)
          1. Archduchess Maria-Stella  of Austria (2013)
          2. Archduchess Magdalena  of Austria (2016)
      3. Archduke Christoph Henri Alexander Maria Marcus d'Aviano of Austria (1988)
        1. Archduchess Adélaïde Marie Béatrice of Austria (1989, m. 2012)
          1. Archduchess Katarina Marie-Christine Fabiola of Austria (2014)
      4. Archduke Alexander Hector Marie Karl Leopold Marcus d'Aviano of Austria (1990)
      5. Archduchess Gabriella Maria Pilar Yolande Joséphine Charlotte of Austria (1994).
  2. Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg (1955)
    1. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg (1956)
      1. Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg(1981)
        1. Princess Stéphanie , Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (1984)
      2. Prince Félix of Luxembourg(1984)
        1. Princess Claire of Luxembourg (1985)
          1. Princess Amalia de Nassau (2014)
      3. Prince Louis of Luxembourg (1986)
        1. Princess Tessy of Luxembourg(1985)
          1. Prince Noah de Nassau (2006)
          2. Prince Gabriel de Nassau (2007)
      4. Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg (1991)
      5. Prince Sébastien (1992)
  3. Prince Jean of Luxembourg (1957) 
    1. Ms. Hélène Vestur (born 1958, 1987, by 2009 they had been divorced)
      1. Princess Marie-Gabrielle de Nassau (1986)
      2. Prince Constantin de Nassau (1988)
      3. Prince Wenceslas de Nassau (1990)
      4. Prince Carl-Johann de Nassau (1992)
    2. Ms. Diane De Guerre, Countess de Nassau (2009-present)
  4. Princess Margaretha (1957)
    1. Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein (1947, m. 1982)
    2. Prince Leopold Emmanuel Jean Marie of Liechtenstein (1984-1984)
    3. Princess Maria-Anunciata Astrid Joséphine Veronica of Liechtenstein (1985)
    4. Princess Marie-Astrid Nora Margarita Veronica of Liechtenstein (1987)
    5. Prince Josef-Emanuel Leopold Marie of Liechtenstein (1989)
He married Sibilla Weiller in 1994 and together, they have four children{Source}:
  1. Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg (1968, 1994-Present)
  2. Prince Paul Louis Jean Marie Guillaume de Nassau (1998)
  3. Prince Léopold Guillaume Marie Joseph de Nassau (2000)
  4. Princess Charlotte Wilhelmine Maria da Gloria de Nassau ( 2000)
  5. Prince Jean André Guillaume Marie Gabriel Marc d'Aviano de Nassau (2004)


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