Royal Profile: Prince Jean of Luxembourg

Prince Jean Félix Marie Guillaume of Luxembourg was born 15 May 1957, the second son of Jean, Grand Duke of Luxembourg and Princess Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium. He has the following siblings, sibling-in-laws, and nieces and nephews:
  1. Princess Marie-Astrid of Luxemboug, Archduchess of Austria (1954)
    1. Archduke Carl Christian of Austria (1954, m. 1982)
      1. Archduchess Marie-Christine of Austria, The Countess de Limburg-Stirum (1983)
        1. Count Rodolphe de Limburg-Stirum (1979, m 2008)
          1. Count Léopold  de Limburg-Stirum (2011)
          2. Count Constantin de Limburg-Stirum (2013)
          3. Count Gabriel de Limburg-Stirum (2016)
      2. Archduke Imre of Austria (1985)
        1. Archduchess Kathleen Elizabeth of Austria (1986, m 2012)
          1. Archduchess Maria-Stella of Austria (2013)
          2. Archduchess Magdalena of Austria (2016)
      3. Archduke Christoph of Austria (1988)
        1. Archduchess Adélaïde Marie Béatrice of Austria (1989, m. 2012)
          1. Archduchess Katarina Marie-Christine Fabiola of Austria (2014)
      4. Archduke Alexander  of Austria (1990)
      5. Archduchess Gabriella of Austria (1994)
        1. Prince Henri of Bourbon-Parma (engaged, October 2017)
          1. Victoria Antonia Marie-Astrid Lydia de Bourbon-Parma (illegitimate, born prior to her parents marriage, 2017)
  2. Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg (1955)
    1. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg (1956)
      1. Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg(1981)
        1. Princess Stéphanie, Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg (1984)
      2. Prince Félix of Luxembourg(1984)
        1. Princess Claire of Luxembourg (1985)
          1. Princess Amalia de Nassau (2014)
          2. Prince Liam de Nassau (2016)
      3. Prince Louis of Luxembourg (1986)
        1. Tessy Antony, Princessof Luxembourg(1985)
          1. Prince Noah de Nassau (2006)
          2. Prince Gabriel de Nassau (2007)
      4. Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg (1991)
      5. Prince Sébastien of Luxembourg (1992)
  3. Princess Margaretha (1957)
    1. Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein (1947, m. 1982)
      1. Prince Leopold Emmanuel Jean Marie of Liechtenstein (1984-1984)
      2. Princess Maria-Anunciata Astrid Joséphine Veronica of Liechtenstein (1985)
      3. Princess Marie-Astrid Nora Margarita Veronica of Liechtenstein (1987)
      4. Prince Josef-Emanuel Leopold Marie of Liechtenstein (1989)
  4. Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg (1963)
    1. Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg (1968, m. 1994)
      1. Prince Paul Louis de Nassau (1998)
      2. Prince Léopold de Nassau (2000)
      3. Princess Charlotte de Nassau (2000)
      4. Prince Jean de Nassau (2004)
His godparents are:
The young prince was primarily educated in Luxembourg, Switzerland and France. Upon graduation, he attended The Bell School of Languages in Cambridge, England. He attended a university in Geneva.

In 1977, he began military officer training at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. He was made captain of the Luxembourg Army in 1979.

After completing his university studies, he moved to New York to work as a financial analysist for the
Finance, Planning & Analysis Division of W.R. Grace. Today, the Prince works in the water industry, as an advisor to the GDF-Suez Group, Executive VP of the Suez Foundation and is a member of the Executive Board of Degrémont.

In 1985, he returned to Europe, settling in France, where he attended INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, where he obtained an MBA in 1986.

On 26 September 1986, Prince Jean renounced his right of succession to the Luxembourg throne. He was married on 27 May 1987 to Hélène Suzanna Vestur. His wife and children were granted the titles Count/ess of Nassu. On 27 November 2004, Grand Duke Henri granted Prince Jean, his wife and their children the titles Prince/ss of Nassau, and HRH status, without succession rights. Their children are:
  1. Princess Marie-Gabrielle de Nassau (1986)
    1. Antonius Benedikt Clemens Douglas Emanuel Willms (1988, m. 2017)
  2. Prince Constantin de Nassau (1988)
  3. Prince Wenceslas de Nassau (1990)
  4. Prince Carl-Johan deNassau (1992)
The Prince and Hélène would later divorce, and he would marry Diane De Guerre in 2009 {Source}


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