Royal Profile: Prince Friedrich von Thurn and Taxis

Prince Friedrich Leonhard Ignatius Josef Maria Lamoral Balthasar von Thurn und Taxis was born 22 June 1950 as the son of Johann Prinz von Thurn und Taxis and Maria Julia Prinzessin von Lobkowicz {Source}. He is known as Prince Fritz. He was their third child, and he has the following siblings {Source}:
  1. Maria Alexandra Prinzessin von Thurn und Taxis (1939)
    1. Rudolf Graf von Colloredo-Mannsfeld
      1. Antony Graf von Colloredo-Mannsfeld (1964)
        1. Claudia Dorothea Pless
          1. Theresita Gräfin von Colloredo-Mannsfeld (1965)
          2. Nikodemus Graf von Colloredo-Mannsfeld (1969)
          3. Mabel Graf von Colloredo-Mannsfeld (Oct 1978)
  2. Leopold Prinz von Thurn und Taxis (1943-1957)
    1. Karl Ferdinand Prinz von Thurn und Taxis (1952)
      1. Viola Christine Pauen
  3. Alice Maria Stephanie Prinzessin von Thurn und Taxis (1985)
    1. Stanislaus Johann Franz Prinz von Thurn und Taxis (1987)
    2. Raphael Prinz von Thurn und Taxis (1992)
  4. Maximilian Anselm Prinz von Thurn und Taxis (1955)
On 4 June 1977, he marred Beata Bery {Source}.


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