Royal Profile: Marie-Elisabeth Zellinger de Balkany Jassens

Marie-Elisabeth Zellinger de Balkany Jassens was born on 2 March 1972 as the only child of Princess Maria Gabriella of Savoy and Robert Zellinger de Balkany {Source} .

Through her mother, she is a granddaughter of the last King of Italy, King Umberto II & Princess Marie José de Belgique {Source}.

Her parents separated when she was four years old, but didn't divorce officially until she was legally considered an adult in 1990 {Source}. Not much is known about her childhood.

She civilly married Olivier Janssens on 31 October 2002, which was followed by a religious ceremony the following spring in April 2003 {Source}. Together, they have the following children{Source}:

  • Gabriella Luise Maria Janssens (2004)
  • Tommaso Janssens (2005)
  • Paul-Louis Janssens ( 2009)
  • Victor Janssens (2014)


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