Royal Profile: HRH Princess Lalla Amina of Morocco

Princess Lalla Amina of Morocco was born 8 April 1954   in Madagascar, the daughter of Mohammed V from his third wife Lalla Bahia. She was the present King of Morocco's aunt and was the only Princess who was born during the family's exile.  

She has two children that survive her: Lalla Soumaya and Moulay Idriss.

She apparently died after suffering a long illness the last several months on Thursday. Per tradition, her funeral took place on Friday.
She was very active in nuerous activities in her lifetime. She was President of the Fédération Royale Marocaine des Sports Equestres since 1999.  HRH Princess Lalla Amina was a devoted and accomplished equestrian. She was also an adovcate for children's rights as part of her role as President of the Moroccan league for Child Protection. She was a member of the honorary committee of the global movement of mothers, Honorary President of the Hadaf Association for the protection of disabled persons and also chaired the Moroccan Association for promoting arts for the disabled {Source}.

(still researching. Will update when I find more. If you know something else about her, contact me via Twitter)


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