25 Ways Royals are JUST LIKE US

You think because they are "royal" they don't go shopping (why do that when you can call your personal shopper?), do chores (You know, like take out the garbage, do laundry, that sort of thing, Isn't that what the house staff is for anyway?) for themselves, etc, right?

Here's a list of what they do that we "normal people" do:
  1. Do their own  grocery shopping (Great Britain)
  2. Get married  (2011 Weddings: Great Britain, Italy/GermanyGermany/DenmarkMonacoGreat BritainGermany , Butan
  3. Have children (2011 Births: Denmark)
  4. Register their children for school (Monaco)
  5. Take their children to school (Spain)
  6. Dine at fast food restaurants like McDonald's (Monaco)
  7. Go shopping with their non-royal siblings (Denmark)
  8. Run out to the store before closing to pick up a few things, waiting in line, and using coupons and a rewards card.(Great Britian)
  9. Have pets (see the Royal Galleria of Pets here)
  10. Take their pets for walks (Monaco)
  11. Go on family vacations & have family reunions (Spain)
  12. Have car troubles (Monaco)
  13. Obey traffic laws  (Monaco
  14. Play sports (Monaco) (Great Britain) (Spain) (Denmark/Germany) (Greek)
  15. Get turned away from restaurants when the restaurant is overbooked when they fail to make a reservation (Sweden) (Monaco)
  16. Do their share in household chores-even when on extended humanitarian trips! (Great Britain)
  17. Have wardrobe malfunctions (Great Britain)
  18. Go on Private vacations (Monaco)
  19. Take vacation photos of each other with their mobile phones (Monaco)
  20. Two Words: Airport Security (Monaco)
  21. Attend funerals of family members (Monaco) (Saudi Arabia) (Morocco)
  22. Use Social Networking Sites (facebook, twitter, etc. Some "major" royals do it publicly on twitter, other "lesser known" use Facebook publicly. You just have to know where to and who to look for. Usually, if you find one, you can find a few. Feel free to ask me for their PUBLIC profiles, not for their personal ones)
  23. Get into public fights in a bar that result in injuries (Monaco)
  24. Smoke in public (Jordan) (Denmark)(Monaco)
  25. Most pay taxes on their income (most often in Europe, the VAT Tax as well too) (Great Britain)


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