Royal Profile: Eliane Sophia Carolina van Vollenhoven

Eliane Sophia Carolina van Vollenhoven was born 5 July 2009 as the second child of Prince Floris of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven & Princess Aimée of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven-Söhngen{Source}. She has an older sister and younger brother {Source}:
  1. Magali Margriet Eleonoor van Vollenhoven (2007)
  2. Willem Jan Johannes Pieter Floris van Vollenhoven (2013)
She was baptized on 28 March 2010, with the following as her godparents {Source}:
  1. Prince Maurits of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven (paternal uncle)
  2. Princess Carolina de Bourbon de Parme (paternal 1st cousin 1x removed)
  3. Mr. Hans Söhngen (maternal grandfather)
  4. Mrs. Ike de Rooij-van Haaren

She has no succession rights due to her father not seeking parliamentary approval for his marriage, therefore it is likely she will lead a normal life.


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