Royal Profile: Marina Victoria Alexandra Ogilvy

Marina Victoria Alexandra Ogilvy was born 31 July 1966 as the second child and only daughter of Rt Hon. Sir Angus Ogilvy and Princess Alexandra of Kent {Source}. Her godparents were{Source}{Source}:
  • Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon
  • Prince Charles of Wales
As a youngster, she was rather rebellious, and tabloids often labeled her the "black sheep". She appeared on the cover of the fetish magazine, Skin Two, wearing a rubber jumpsuit and a crown, surrounded by corgis{Source}. Upon this publication, her relationship with her parents and other royal relations became...strained to say the least {Source}.

She dated painter and decoration Phil Finton before moving on to Paul Mowatt {Source}.

She married Paul Mowatt on 2 February 1990, and they have two children together{Source}:

  1. Zenouska May Mowatt (1990)
  2. Christian Alexander Mowatt (1993)
Marina and Paul were divorced in October 1997{Source}.

Presently, Marina is 53rd in line for the throne after the immediate family of the current reigning monarch, the Gloucester family, her uncle and his family, her mother, her brother, a niece and nephew{Source}. She occasionally attends family and official events, such as weddings and The Trooping of Colour.


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