Royal Profile: Prince Hashem bin Al Abdullah of Jordan

Prince Hashem bin Al Abdullah of Jordan was born 30 January 2005 as the youngest son of King Abdullah & Queen Rania of Jordan{Source}He has an older brother and two older sisters{Source}:
  1. Crown Prince Hussein (1994)
  2. Princess Iman (1996)
  3. Princess Salma (2000)
At the present time, he is second in line for the Jordian throne after his older brother. During a 2009 working visit to the US, he was spotted out and about with his mother and siblings {Photos}. Also in 2009, he attended an air show which was organized by the military in cooperation with the British Embassy to celebrate his father's 10th anniversary of his succession to the throne {Source}. In June 2009, he along with his parents, attended the awards ceremony for the 2009 King Abdullah II Award for Physical Fitness awards in which his sister won 4th place {Source}.


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