Royal Profile: Christopher O'Neill

Christopher Paul O'Neill was born 27 June 1974, as the son of Paul C. O'Neill and Eva Maria O'Neill {Source}. Between his parents, he has five sisters, a couple of brother-in-laws and several nieces and nephews{Source}{Source}:

  1. Annalisa O'Neill (1959)
  2. Stefanie O'Neill (1961)\
    1. Master Oliver MacNeely (guessing?)
  3. Karen O'Neill (1961)
  4. Tatiana d'Abo
    1. Henry d'Abo (1953)
      1. Anouschka d'Abo (1991)
      2. Celina d'Abo (1996)
      3. Jasper d'Abo (2001)
  5. Countess Natascha von Abensperg und Traun (1968)
    1. Count Ernst Graf von Abensperg und Traun
      1. Countess Milana Maria Tatjana von Abensperg und Traun (1996)
      2. Count Moritz von Abensperg und Traun
      3. Countess Chiara von Abensperg
      4. Count Louis von Abensperg und Trau

He was born in London, but was educated in Switzerland and the United States. He was educated at Institut auf dem Rosenberg, and recieved a BA in International Relations from Boston University, and a MBA from Columbia Business School.

He first began dating the Swedish monarch's youngest daughter in 2011, and their engagement was announced in October 2012 {Source}. Their wedding took place in June 2013{Photos}. Together, they have two children:

  1. Princess Leonore Lilian Maria of Sweden, Duchess of Gotland (2014)
  2. Prince Nicolas Paul Gustaf of Sweden, Duke of Ångermanland (2015)
Unlike Prince Daniel and Princess Sofia, Mr. O'Neil does not hold a formal Swedish title or perform royal duties due to his not holding Swedish citizenship and wanting to continue his business endeavors. However, last fall, the family moved to Sweden ahead of the birth of Prince Nicolas, and moved to London in the fall of 2015. The family traditionally spends the summer months in Sweden, and if I had to guess once the kids become school aged, they will move to Sweden permanently again.


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